Monday, September 3, 2012

About Nipple Rings

Nipple rings are a type of jewelry worn through a piercing in your nipple. Though significantly more popular with women, it is not unusual for men to wear nipple rings. As with any jewelry, the purpose is primarily aesthetic, but it can carry sexual benefits as well. Anyone considering a nipple piercing should be aware of properly care for the nipple ring, and of the risks involved. Does this Spark an idea?


The phrase "nipple ring" is most commonly used to refer to any nipple piercing, but can also refer to the piece of circular jewelry itself. Nipple rings can be worn in only one nipple or in both, depending on personal preference of the wearer. The ring may be plain silver or gold, may be sculpted into more interesting shapes or may be decorated with beads or other ornaments. In addition, people with nipple piercings can wear a variety of styles besides a ring, the most common being either a curved or straight barbell style.


Many people who wear nipple rings do so purely because they like the way it looks, or because their sexual partner does. Another benefit of nipple rings, particularly for women, is an increased response to sexual stimulation of the nipples. Though hardly universal, many report sensations that are more intense than prior to the piercing. It should be noted, though, that after the healing time, the piercing cannot generally be felt unless it is being touched.


Like all piercings, nipple rings should only be inserted by a skilled professional. The nipple is generally pierced using an extremely sharp, hollow point needle. The needle is sterilized and carefully but swiftly pushed through the skin. The sharpness of the needle should ensure that the piercing only takes a second or two, and that discomfort is minimal. The nipple will likely be tender afterward. Nothing smaller than a 14-gauge ring or barbell should be used in the piercing, as it could cut into the skin.


Healing time for a nipple ring piercing can take 6 to 8 weeks, or 6 to 12 months, including time for the piercing to become fully established. The first weeks are the most crucial. Movement of the nipples should be restricted as much as possible; women are advised to wear a bra. The piercing should be cleaned with sterile cotton and a solution provided by the piercer. One should avoid touching the piercing as much as possible until fully healed, and any touching during the healing period should only take place with freshly washed hands.


Like any piercing, nipple rings carry general risks. Most are mild, but because of the sensitive location of the piercing, they may also be of particular concern. Infection is not uncommon with any piercing, and any irritation should be reported to the piercer for proper advice on care. Allergic reaction to the jewelry is another risk, which can cause a rash or irritation. Lastly, there is a small risk of nerve damage; this risk, however, is most common when the piercing is done improperly by someone who is unskilled in the procedure.

Tags: nipple ring, nipple rings, piercing should, most common, much possible