Monday, September 17, 2012

Exercises That Reduce Breast Fat

Many women would like to increase the size of their breasts, but women on the opposite end of the spectrum may be searching for a noninvasive method to decrease their bust line. Several exercises can help accomplish that result, but they will take time and dedication. You will not see results overnight.

Losing Fat and Toning Muscles

You can't spot-train your breasts. You have to burn calories in order to burn fat anywhere on your body, so incorporate aerobic exercise into your regimen. Strength training that tones the chest muscles underneath the breasts helps burn fat and make breasts appear lifted and flatter. Give yourself a day to rest in between strength-training sessions, as this is when muscle-building occurs.

Exercises at Home

Using your own body weight in a push-up can tone your chest muscles, especially if you don't have gym equipment at home. Add intensity to an average push-up by doing a declined push-up. Elevate your feet on a flat bench (or whatever surface will allow you to do a push-up while keeping your back flat) so that you are doing the push-up at an angle. You can vary how far apart your hands are to increase or decrease the intensity. This exercise will tone the muscles in the upper part of your chest. If you have barbells or hand weights at home, try some bench presses, too.

Exercises at the Gym

If you don't have a home gym, your local gym has equipment for chest-muscle toning. Find a set of dip bars and ask a trainer to show you how dips can build the muscle in your chest. Several repetitions on a pec deck machine also will build the muscle behind the breast and give you a lift.

If you aren't into the exercise machinery, you can do decline dumbbell flys to work your lower chest muscles. Lie on your back on a decline bench and have a spotter hand you a pair of dumbbells. They don't have to be the heaviest set available. Start with your arms wide and slightly bent at the elbow, palms facing forward. Lift your arms and bring the dumbbells together until they are almost touching. You want your movements to be slow and controlled. Do as many repetitions as you are able.

Tags: chest muscles, your chest, build muscle, your arms, your back