Thursday, September 20, 2012

Xray In Photoshop

You can create X-ray effects in Photoshop.

X-ray cameras create interesting images, but are inaccessible unless you are a radiology technician. Even so, X-rays are only taken by necessity due to the radiation used to create the image. You can achieve X-ray effects on any digital image on your computer.with a few simple Photoshop filters.


1. Open Photoshop on your computer.

2. Left-click "File" in the top toolbar and select "Open" from drop-down menu.

3. Navigate to the image your want to use, then left-click "Open." The image opens in Photoshop.

4. Duplicate the layer of the image by right-clicking it in the Layers Palette, then selecting "Duplicate Layer" from the drop-down menu.

5. Invert the image by left-clicking "Image" in the top toolbar, left-clicking "Adjustments" in the drop-down menu and selecting "Invert."

6. Add a layer mask by left-clicking "Layer" in the top toolbar, left-clicking "Layer Mask" in the drop-down menu and selecting "Reveal All."

7. Add an adjustment to the hue/saturation by left-clicking "Layer" in the top toolbar, left-clicking "New Adjustment Layer" in the drop-down and selecting "Hue/Saturation." The Hue/Saturation dialog box opens.

8. Adjust the slider under "Saturation" to -100 percent.

9. Left-click your main image layer in the Layers Palette. Set the blending mode by left-clicking the black arrow, then selecting "Hard Light" from the drop-down menu.

10. Duplicate the layer once or twice to increase the effect by right-clicking the layer in the Layers Palette and selecting "Duplicate Layer" from the drop-down menu.

Tags: drop-down menu, from drop-down, from drop-down menu, Layers Palette, left-clicking Layer, toolbar left-clicking, drop-down menu selecting