Friday, July 19, 2013

What Exercise Will Make My Breasts Bigger

Breast enhancement can be done in your home or at the health club. There are particular exercises that strengthen your pectoral (chest) muscles and give your breasts a lift. The fatty tissue and mammary glands that make up breasts cannot be altered with exercise, but you can tone the pectoral muscles that lie directly beneath your breasts. Perform pectoral exercises three to four times a week for perkier, fuller and ultimately bigger breasts.


Start by laying flat on your stomach on the ground or an exercise mat. Bend your knees and put your weight onto your palms and the thigh area just above your knees. This is the position for a modified push-up. Put your hands in line with your shoulders and keep your back straight. Lower your entire body by bending at the elbows. Try to go low enough for your arms to create a 90-degree angle. Straighten your arms to complete one repetition. For a standard push-up rest your weight on your toes and hands.

Change the location of your feet and hands for decline and incline push-ups. Use a step, chair, bench or elevated stable surface for your feet to perform a decline push-up. Try starting with a surface that is one foot from the ground and work towards putting your feet on a higher elevated surface. Place your hands on the elevated surface for an incline push-up.

Cable Crossovers

Adjust the weight of the cables before starting the exercise. Stand in the center of the machine with a handle in each hand. Keep your knees slightly bent, abdominal muscles flexed and your back straight. Pull the cables in toward your chest at the same time until they cross over one another. Try pulling the cables towards your navel for variety. Simultaneously return the cables to the first position.

Resistance Band Bench Press

Wrap a resistance band underneath a bench or aerobic step. Lie flat on the bench and grab a handle in each hand. Put your arms straight into the air with your elbows slightly bent. Your hands should be over your shoulders so that there is a vertical line from your shoulders to your fists. Bend your elbows to lower the bands until your hands are almost touching your shoulders. Squeeze through your chest and push the bands back to the starting position.

Chest Dips

Remember to lean forward throughout this exercise with your chest and shoulders to target your pectoral muscles. Stand in between the dip bars and place your hands on the handles. Jump or push yourself up so that your arms are straight and your body is hanging. Bend your knees and flex your abdominal muscles. In a controlled manner lower your body by bending your elbows. Go as low as you can and return to the top position by straightening your arms.

Tags: your arms, your knees, your shoulders, Bend your, with your, your chest, your elbows