Monday, July 1, 2013

What To Expect At A Physical

Doctors recommend a physical at least once a year in order to maintain good health. The tests that are performed at this appointment are fairly standard. Here's what you can expect at your next physical examination.


A physical examination is important to have at least once a year. This will ensure that any health concerns that you may have are addressed, and the doctor might take this time to discuss healthy lifestyle choices. Routine blood work likely will be drawn to screen for any diseases, and any yearly vaccinations are done at this visit.

The Examination

During your physical, the doctor will take your medical history, as well as any pertinent family history. He will measure your height and weight to make certain it is within normal limits. Your vital signs, such as temperature and blood pressure, will be checked. The doctor will then do a physical examination, paying special attention to any health concerns you have discussed with him. He will listen to your heart and lungs with a stethoscope, and he will perform an abdominal examination in which he will feel for any irregularities.

Your pulse will be checked, and any special procedures that are gender appropriate will be performed. An ear, nose and throat exam might be done, and any scans for skin cancer might be done as well. Yearly vaccinations, such as the flu vaccine, will be given at this time. The doctor will discuss any additional tests that might be necessary due to his findings, and he may send you to the lab for blood work.


The doctor will order specific tests from the lab to help him access your overall health. These tests might include cholesterol screening, blood sugar screening and a CBC to check for any infection.

Women might also be advised to have a pap smear, a breast exam, a mammogram, osteoporosis screening, a pelvic exam and colon cancer screening.

Men might be advised to have a testicular examination, colon cancer screening, a prostate exam and men over 70 may need an osteoporosis screening.


An annual physical is important because some health concerns such as high blood sugar and high blood pressure might go undetected without one because they often do not present symptoms until a more advanced stage of disease. In addition to a physical, it is also important to get annual eye exams and dental examinations.


Your doctor is an important ally in your quest for good health. Take the time at your physical to discuss any health concerns that you have. Be honest when it comes to answering the questions that your doctor asks. Doctors often do not have all of the correct information, and that makes it difficult for them to make an appropriate diagnosis.

Tags: doctor will, health concerns, physical examination, advised have, blood pressure