Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How Much Money Does An Ekg Tech Make

EKG technicians monitor a patient's heartbeat.

Electrocardiograph, or EKG, technicians utilize medical monitors to get a reading of a patient's heartbeat for a doctor to evaluate and diagnose any heart-related issues.

Salary Range

The average mid-range salary for an EKG technician is between $32,800 and $61,580 per year. This salary range can fluctuate greatly depending on training, experience and location.


Unlike other types of technologist positions, aspiring EKG technicians frequently get on-the-job mentoring to help them grasp the daily requirements of the career. Many are studying for a degree as a technologist when being trained. Mentoring normally lasts for four to six weeks. For more complicated Holter monitoring, students may receive on-the-job training for 18 to 24 months.


EKG technicians have a bright outlook for job availability within a hospital setting, although trainees should learn many different procedures to secure their future as the field becomes more competitive, reports the U.S. Department of Labor.

Tags: patient heartbeat