Thursday, November 11, 2010

Start A Wheelchair Van Transportation Company In California

Start a Wheelchair Van Transportation Company in California

If a list was compiled of all the recession-proof sectors, medical services would always be near the top. Health and quality of life are aspects no one wishes to compromise and if you're able to tap into this market, your business will have the brightest of prospects. With an increasing population of senior citizens, there is a rising demand for transportation solutions. Starting a wheelchair van transportation company in California is a pretty straightforward process, provided you follow the guidelines governing non-emergency medical transportation vehicles.


1. Get your van ready. Buy a vehicle that is large enough to hold the wheelchair and seat at least two other passengers. Consider how easy it will be to drive and how much it will cost to maintain. Whatever the make, ensure that you pick a van with a system to lift the wheelchair. Register your vehicle with the Department of Motor Vehicles and apply for a vehicle license and an owner's permit. Get a commercial vehicle insurance policy.

2. Recruit a driver. Place advertisements in the classifieds of your local dailies inviting applications for drivers for your wheelchair van. Conduct interviews and decide upon your driver. Verify his driving history from the Department of Motor Vehicles website. Ensure he's qualified to administer first aid and CPR.

3. Apply for the required permits. Visit the website of the California Department of Health Care Services. You'll find a list of the documents you need to submit to be granted permission to operate a non-emergency medical transportation vehicle. This will typically include copies of vehicle registration and insurance, brake and lamp certificates. Besides, you'll also have to provide pertinent details of your vehicle driver--copies of his driving license and driving history and certification for first aid and CPR administration. Have your driver tested for drug and alcohol abuse and provide copies of those reports, too when you apply for the driver's permit. Get the four-page Department of Motor Vehicles' DL-51 Form attested by a physician and submit a copy of this along with the rest of the documents.

4. After you obtain the necessary permits, spread word of your wheelchair van service to senior citizens and families with disabled members in the neighborhood. Approach a few hospitals and senior care centers and request the personnel employed there to recommend your wheelchair van transportation company.

Tags: Department Motor, Department Motor Vehicles, Motor Vehicles, your wheelchair, Company California, driving history