According to statistics complied at the Sprecher Institute for Comparative Cancer Research, the five-year survival rate for individuals suffering from breast cancer is 86 percent. While that is a fairly reassuring number, if you are the one who has been diagnosed with cancer, no number less than 100 percent will be wholly convincing. To increase the odds in your favor you must manipulate those variables over which you have control--specifically, your diet.
Breast Cancer Facts
Unfortunately, breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women. In 2005, almost 190,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States alone. In fact, despite the promising survival rate, breast cancer is the seventh most common cause of death among women, making it a threat to take seriously in any situation.
Breast Cancer and Diet
According to the scientists at the Sprecher Institute for Comparative Cancer Research, there is currently insufficient data to make specific dietary recommendations to increase the rate of survival for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer. However, while there is no specific "breast cancer fighting diet" supported by science, there is nevertheless a correlation between overall physical health and survival rates. Thus, some general dietary recommendations can help sway the odds in your favor.
General Recommendations
Note that some studies have shown an decreased rate of survival for women who consumed a higher quantity of dietary fat. Thus, aiming to control your fat intake might help tip the scales in your favor. The American Cancer Society recommends keeping fat intake at or below 30 percent of total calories, with an emphasis on heavy reduction in saturated fats. Other suggestions include eliminating consumption of alcoholic beverages and increasing consumption of fiber, vegetables, whole grains and fruit. Ideally, you should have a serving of fruit, vegetables and whole grains with every meal.
Other Recommendations
The Nurses Health Study was a large-scale study designed to examine the survival rates of almost 2,000 women with breast cancer over a 13-year period. That study found a statistically significant correlation between consumption of protein and omega-3 fats with a decreased risk of death. Thus, you should be sure to consume plenty of lean protein with every meal. Keep your protein intake to seafood where possible, as seafood has the highest level of omega-3 fats out of any protein source.
The fact that science cannot provide a definitive answer on the topic of breast cancer and diet should not dissuade you from taking a proactive approach in governing your own health. On balance, a diet that is full of healthy, nutrient-dense foods like the ones listed above will leave you in a better position to ward off and fight many diseases, including cancer. Stick to a diet filled with natural, unprocessed foods, and even if it does nothing to increase your risk of cancer survival, it will assuredly not make your odds any worse.
Tags: breast cancer, diagnosed with, with breast, with breast cancer, your favor, almost women