Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Is The Pay Scale For An Xray Technician In Mississippi

Mississippi x-ray technicians earned anywhere from $30,000 to $60,000, according to a 2009 survey.

The pay scale for x-ray technicians in Mississippi, who are classified as radiologic technologists and technicians by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), ranged from less than $30,000 per year to more than $60,000 in May 2009, according to the BLS. This occupation also includes technicians who perform CAT scans, inject non-radioactive material into patients' blood for diagnosis, and magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography technologists.

Low End

The lowest-paid 10 per cent of radiologic technologists and technicians in Mississippi made $14.49 or less per hour in May 2009. This is approximately $30,150 or less on an annual basis.

High End

The most well-paid tenth of Mississippi radiologic technologists and technicians earned $29.59 or more per hour in May 2009. Calculated annually, this is equivalent to about $61,550 or more.


The average wages for radiologic technicians and technologists in Mississippi in May 2009 were $21.61 per hour, or roughly $44,940 annually. Median wages were $20.85 hourly or $43,380 annually.

Top-Paying Cities in Mississippi

The Memphis metropolitan area, which extends into Mississippi, was the highest-paying city for x-ray technicians May 2009. The average annual average salary there was $50,630. This was followed by Jackson, Mississippi, where the average yearly salary was $46,540.

State Ranking

Mississippi ranked 48th among American states and territories for annual average salaries of radiologic technologists and technicians. Only West Virgina, Puerto Rico, Arkansas, Alabama and Guam had lower average salaries.

Tags: radiologic technologists, radiologic technologists technicians, technologists technicians, x-ray technicians, annual average