Thursday, July 1, 2010

Black Opal Healing

Black Opal

Black opals can be dark grey, dark blue, dark green, red or gray-black. Whatever the hue, gemstone healers and Wiccans prize black opals for their mystical, healing and magical properties. Black opals are associated with sensuality and the reproductive chakra.

Mystical Properties

Margherite Meria of Shimmerlings Jewelry describes the mystical properties of black opals. Black opal inspires and opens the flow of creative juices. Wear a black opal to release your inhibitions. Black opal is mystical and can help the wearer fade from view when she wants to see but not be seen. A bringer of sweet dreams, black opal also brings hidden emotions to the surface to liberate your subconscious mind. What you desire, what drives your passion can be released by black opal's mystical power. If you want to experience optimism instead of fear, wear a black opal.

Healing Properties

According to Margherite Meria, opals encourage your will to live. Black opals bring healing to the heart, glands and metabolic processes. If you need to mend a broken heart, wear a black opal close to your heart chakra. Gemstone healers claim that black opals release healing in the form of iridescent rainbows, absorbing ailments, deep tissue disease and physical pain. If you are exposed to radiation, chemicals or x-ray, use a black opal to restore harmony to your system.

Magical Properties

Black opal's magical properties are based in the stone's absorption of all colors. The stone's extensive qualities makes it possible to charge it with energies necessary for magical spells. Margherite Meria further describes a black opal's mysterious powers. Wear a black opal to aid astral projection and to protect you in your astral travels. Wear black opal earrings to develop psychic powers. Black opal increases your magical prowess. Wear a black opal medallion to garner good luck. Wiccans and magicians honor the black opal's magical qualities.


Do not play with black opals. Magic, healing and mysticism are not parlor games. When you amplify powers that you do not understand, you create a dangerous psychic and material environment. Dare not try what you do not comprehend. If you wish to delve into the mystical arts with gems, seek a person who understands and respects the power of the black opal and all stones. Do not wear black opals if you are feeling any negative emotions. The stone will amplify those feelings.

Tags: black opal, black opal, Margherite Meria, Wear black opal, Black opal