Friday, July 23, 2010

Paint Lightbulbs For A Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser

Painting light bulbs to raise breast cancer awareness can be the key to a fulfilling fundraiser. It's a great project for kids and adults alike who want to promote awareness or raise money to donate to a breast cancer research fund.


1. Lay in a supply of pink paint, as this is the color you will be painting the light bulbs. Pink has been associated with breast cancer awareness for years. Pink ribbons, pink makeup and other pink items have all been made available for fund-raising purposes, so why not pink light bulbs?

2. Hold your light bulb by its metal base and dip your paintbrush into the pink paint. Stroke the pink paint over the entire area of the light bulb.

3. Do not put down the painted light bulb yet. Hold it while you use your hair dryer to dry the paint. This can take several minutes. Blow-dry the entirety of the painted area.

4. Place the finished light bulb in a crate or box that is sectioned off. You want to be able to move these light bulbs to a table for selling without breaking them. You can also use the boxes that the light bulbs originally came in.

5. Repeat these steps until all the light bulbs are painted pink. Sell them at $1 a piece to raise money for a breast cancer charity. Donate the money to the proper breast cancer awareness fund. (See Resources for options.)

Tags: light bulbs, breast cancer, light bulb, cancer awareness, pink paint