Friday, July 9, 2010

Successful Organic Breast Cancer Treatments

Breast cancer begins with the cells. Normally, cells grow and divide when the body needs them. But, sometimes, this process goes astray. New cells form when the body doesn't need them and old cells don't die, when they should. In breast tissue, this is what forms a benign or malignant tumor. Depending upon the stage of the breast cancer, alternative methods along with traditional medicine, can aid during rehabilitation.

Raw Food Diet

Many women with breast cancer have beaten the odds by sticking with a diet of raw food along with conventional treatment. According to Dr. Kristine Nolfi of Denmark, a diet that is one hundred percent raw can be helpful, alleviate pain and sometimes prolong life. Raw can be defined as any food that isn't cooked. Most natural fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that kill cancer cells and stop it from spreading. Since raw fruits and vegetables have enzymes that aid digestion, the body is allowed to rest and focus its energy on healing the cancerous cells. Another benefit is that most raw foods don't contain additives that can sometimes cause the cancer. Since this method of treating breast cancer isn't costly and has no side effects in comparison to some prescribed medication, many breast cancer patients are including a raw diet as part of their overall treatment. But it's always wise to consult your physician first.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine encompasses a wide variety of therapies that are beneficial to those with breast cancer. There are numerous plants and herbs that can prevent or fight breast cancer, fortify the immune system and have an anti-tumor effect. Using herbs can also reduce the toxicity caused by conventional treatments of breast cancer with no interference in the process. Nutritional supplements can encourage the growth of healthy cells and weaken cancerous cells. Homeopathic remedies can also stimulate the body's ability to heal itself, and fight or prevent cancer without intruding on traditional cancer treatment methods. According to Dr. Valerie Nix, naturopaths are licensed in sixteen states, and with their additional training in pharmacology, they have the knowledge necessary to help their clients make the most effective and safest use of natural therapies for breast cancer.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Trained massage therapists perform lymphatic drainage massage in order to cleanse the lymph nodes, lymph tissue and lymph fluid that are vital to fighting off toxins and disease. The lymph system acts like a filter for the blood through the circulation of lymph fluid. When this fluid is blocked, the lymphatic system slows down, cellular regeneration lessens, and toxins and proteins increase around the cells, causing cellular oxygenation to decrease and tissue regeneration to stop. Since breast cancer usually entails the removal of some of these damaged lymph nodes, lymphedema usually occurs and the patient complains of sore, swollen breasts. Having a trained massage therapist perform a lymphatic drainage massage will decrease the swelling as well as activate the lymph system to fight off the cancerous cells.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, cancerous cells, along with, fruits vegetables, lymph fluid