Monday, July 26, 2010

Prevent Breast Microcalcifications

Prevent Breast Microcalcifications

Breast microcalcifications are tiny deposits of calcium within the breast tissue. The vast majority of calcifications are benign, and most doctors will take a wait and see approach to their appearance on a mammogram. There are no reliable methods for preventing microcalcifications, but you can take steps to assure early detection and take preventative measures against more serious breast conditions that can follow in some cases.


Detecting, Identifying and Following Up

1. Preventative medicine is the key to early identification of microcalcifications. Consult a doctor regarding when to begin receiving annual mammograms, as this is the first line of defense in detecting growths of any kind in the breast tissue.

Finding a microcalcification is a relatively common occurrence, particularly during and after menopause. Most often there is no identifiable cause for calcifications but in some cases they will follow an injury to the breast. Calcification also has also been identified as a possible side effect of breast augmentation.

2. Upon identification of a microcalcification, a doctor's recomendation will depend on several factors. If there is only one microcalcification, he probably will recommend follow-up mammograms to monitor changes over time. If multiple microcalcifications exist or they seem irregular, the next step is typically a localized biopsy to identify whether the cells are malignant or benign. According to the California Pacific Medical Center, even those identified as "suspicious" stand a 25 percent or less chance of being malignant.

3. If a biopsy is performed, speak with a doctor about the results and follow up treatments. Breast microcalcifications usually require no treatment if no malignancy is detected. Ultimately a regularly scheduled mammogram and open communication with a doctor is the best approach to overall breast health and should be a part of your regimen for maintaining good health.

Tags: Breast microcalcifications, breast tissue, Prevent Breast, Prevent Breast Microcalcifications, some cases, with doctor