Monday, April 11, 2011

Registry Clerk Job Description

A registry clerk should have good attention to detail.

Registry clerks are responsible for attending to customer needs, locating the correct forms in databases and to handling payments. Registry clerks normally work in an office environment where dealing with people is a must.

Tasks and Duties

Registry clerks must perform tasks such as adhering to employee and agent codes of conduct, following policies and procedures, advising customers and explaining procedures to customers. Securing physical work spaces and storing documents and information securely are also tasks that must be performed by a registry clerk.

Qualifications and Training

A registry clerk should be at least 18 years of age or older and have a high school diploma. However, most employers will prefer a candidate that has completed courses in business, retail and computers.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Candidates should have excellent customer service skills and interpersonal skills. Registry clerks should be excellent with computers and have the ability to understand, speak, read and write English.


Salaries of a registry clerk can be anywhere from $10,000 to $90,000 as of 2010, according to Glassdoor. However, salaries vary depending on the size of a company and professional experience.

Tags: registry clerk, Registry clerks, clerk should, registry clerk should, should have