Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Happens When You Take Breast Success For A Month

Breast Success is an herbal supplement designed to increase bust size.

Breast Success is a natural female enhancement product designed to increase the size and firmness of a woman's breasts. While the manufacturers of Breast Success make numerous claims as to the effectiveness of their product, these remain unverified by research.


According to the manufacturers of Breast Success, users may see increased fullness and experience a tingling sensation after usage for a month. Physiologically, they claim that the herbal contents of the product contain phyto-estrogens which stimulate breast growth. No studies are available to support these claims.

Expert Insight

According to Jan Scaglione, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Cincinnati, there is no evidence to support the claims of breast enhancement products. She recommends staying away from these products, as they have not been studied for long-term use and their effects may be unpredictable.


Users under the age of 18 should not take Breast Success. Individuals should always consult with a doctor before taking any herbal supplement. The herbal constituents of Breast Success may have undesirable side effects not listed on the product's website, including upset stomach and potentially dangerous interactions with other drugs.

Tags: Breast Success, designed increase, herbal supplement, manufacturers Breast, manufacturers Breast Success