Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reverse Calcium Deposits In Coronary Arteries

Atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries, is the gradual narrowing and hardening of arteries due to calcification. The main cause is a severe deficiency of vitamins and other essential nutrients in the vascular wall cells. This deficiency leads to the instability of the vascular walls, lesions and cracks, calcium deposits and, eventually, heart attacks or strokes. In order to prevent atherosclerosis and help repair the damage to artery walls, the essential nutrients must be added to your diet.


1. Educate yourself on your condition and learn what you can do about it. Knowledge can be a powerful thing if used properly.

2. Stop doing the things that are hurting you and causing your condition, such as eating the wrong foods, smoking, and drinking excessively. Examples of foods to avoid are: hot dogs, hamburgers, deep fried foods, sugar, ice cream, high fat shakes and chips. Also avoid foods with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, such as stick margarine.

3. Start doing the things you need to do to prevent further calcification in the arteries and to eventually reverse the trend opening up the arteries by removing the calcification. Eating healthy foods low in cholesterol and saturated fat and getting regular exercise are essential to preventing further calcification and eventually removing calcification and opening the arteries. Eat foods such as: green leafy vegetables; onions and garlic; peanuts, walnuts and almonds; olive oil and canola oil; salmon and mackerel and fresh fruits, to name just a few. Also, people tend to underestimate the effects of exercise; you should try to exercise every day for 30 to 45 minutes, and at least 20 minutes should be vigorous aerobic exercise.

4. Establish a diet plan to repair and replenish the cells in your artery walls. Vitamins, amino acids and trace elements like vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lysine, proline and others are needed to repair the damage. The food you eat needs to be rich in these items. Try foods such as: fresh fruits and vegtables; nuts; fish; beans; fresh fruit juices; low fat dairy products in moderation; unsturated oils like canola and olive oil; whole grain breads and pasta.

5. Enhance your diet plan with supplements. For example, it is well established that large doses of vitamin C provide enormous benefits for preventing and reversing atherosclerosis. Also needed are large amounts of antioxidants like co-Q10, a proven antioxidant supplement that provides enormous benefits for unblocking arteries. Vitamins C, E, A, beta-carotene and B complex improve cellular functions and aid healing; fish oil fights plaque development; L-arginine promotes healthy cardiovascular tissue; phosphatidylcholine fights formation of clots, improves cell membrane function, and improves insulin resistance; garlic acts as an anti-inflammatory, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and reduces the thickness in artery walls; vitamin K 2 improves bone density and counteracts arterial damage. (Reversing Heart Disease, Part 2 by Linda Sue Anderson)

6. Establish a daily exercise routine. Exercise is a key element of your efforts to prevent further damage to your arteries and to reverse the trend and unblock your arteries. Without exercise your efforts will be in vain. The goal is to exercise 30 to 40 minutes each day and to do at least 20 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise each day. You can gradually work up to that level, but you must start and continue the exercise routine or your condition will not improve.

Tags: artery walls, your condition, aerobic exercise, diet plan, doing things, enormous benefits