Thursday, May 19, 2011

Employee Wellness Incentive Programs

Some companies subsidize gym memberships to encourage employee wellness.

Motivating employees to adapt healthy lifestyles is beneficial to both the worker and the employer. A recent survey conducted by Towers Watson, a professional service company, indicated that 67 percent of employers have found that employees' poor health habits challenge the ability of a company to provide affordable medical benefits and coverage. To combat this, many companies have chosen to create employee health programs. One of the ways to encourage employees to maintain a higher health standard is for the employer to provide incentives.

Rewarding Fitness in the Workplace

Companies focused on creating fitness awareness can encourage the workforce in a variety of ways. Providing complimentary pedometers can inspire employees to get moving. Establishing a program by setting monthly goals creates interest. Once implemented, progress should be tracked and recorded. Prizes, such as movie tickets, a free lunch or a gift card can be presented to employees who meet or exceed the goal. Creating outdoor walking paths on the company campus is another way to inspire employees to get fit.

Health Fair Incentives

Many employers hold on-site annual health fairs to increase the awareness and promotion of healthy lifestyles. Workers can take advantage of free testing and screenings offered by invited non-profit organizations and wellness providers. Often times there are multiple incentives for employees. Companies may encourage employee attendance by offering free flu shots or reduced monthly insurance premiums. According to an article in "USA Today," by Julia Appleby, Jan. 10, 2009, entitled "Firms Offer Bigger Incentives for Healthy Living," the Affina Group, a global solutions company, asks workers to sign a covenant introduced in 2005, agreeing to participate in health screenings and classes to manage medical conditions. Those who sign get a $1,000 discount on annual insurance costs."

Smoking Cessation

The American Cancer Society estimates that approximately 46 million adults in the United States are still smoking cigarettes. Cessation programs provide major benefits and can save lives. Many companies sponsor such programs. Paycheck, a payroll and human resource service, offers employees a 50 percent reimbursement on prescription cessation plans as an incentive to quit.

Weight Loss Programs

Helping employees get to their ideal weight not only boosts self esteem but also improves productivity. The Center for Disease Control, (CDC) reports that. "Rewards and incentives have been proven to be effective in increasing participation in work-site programs." CDC suggests employers offer cash or prize incentives for employees who meet an established goal.

Fitness Centers

Not all employers can provide a 66,000-square-foot recreation and fitness center with a weight room and an Olympic sized pool like SAS, a software solutions company headquartered in Cary, North Carolina. In lieu of on-site work-out facilities, some employers partner with local gyms to offer reduced membership rates for employees and their families. Many corporations will provide a 100 percent reimbursement to area fitness clubs. Other incentive options include reimbursing employees who participate in classes such as yoga, dance and other fitness-oriented programs.

Tags: employees meet, employees their, encourage employee, healthy lifestyles, incentives employees, inspire employees