Friday, May 13, 2011

Role Of Teachers In Schools

Teachers play an important role in a child's life.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, from 2006 to 2016 almost 500,000 new teacher jobs will be created. These teachers will help children with their learning and social development during the growing up years


Preschool through elementary school teachers introduce children to science, math, language and reading skills, technology, and social studies. Middle and high school teachers build upon this learning.


Early childhood educators use things like art and music to engage students as they learn new concepts. Middle and secondary educators teach children be critical thinkers and use good study skills.


Teachers are some of the first adults children see outside of the home. Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping a child's worldview and view of themselves.


Effective teachers lead to successful students, which can be measured with high test scores, graduation rates and how many attend college.


The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) says parent involvement in children's learning helps them excel in school. Children have a more enriched education experience when teachers and parents work together.

Tags: school teachers, Teachers play