Friday, May 13, 2011

Side Effects Of Breast Gain

Side Effects of Breast Gain

Reasons for Breast Gain

A woman will seldom stay at one breast size throughout her whole life. Even after puberty, breasts can and will continue to change size and shape.

Many women experience breast growth after pregnancy, taking birth control, during the aging process and after weight gain. Women may also opt to get breast enhancement surgery. Whatever the reason, breast size fluctuates over time for most females.

Physical Side Effects of Breast Gain

At first, a woman may notice breast gain by how her clothing fits. A blouse that used to fit well may suddenly not, or bra cups may be uncomfortable and confining. There may also be increased discomfort when partaking in intense physical activity, such as running or exercising.

Visually, there may be stretch marks around the skin of the bust, especially with sudden tissue gain. This is symptomatic of fast growth, and can be minimized with the use of moisturizing products that increase skin's elasticity.

To minimize discomfort with increased breast growth, make certain to get professionally fitted for a bra. The short time spent with a trained fitter is invaluable, since an incorrectly-sized bra will lack support. Lack of structure around the bust can lead to backache, soreness and skin irritation from chafing. Well-fitting foundations are also a key part of avoiding prematurely sagging breasts. The bigger the bust becomes, the more difficult it may be to preserve elasticity.

Also, it pays to think about the cut of your clothing. Big breasts will grab a lot of attention if framed by a plunging neckline, so select styles that are proper for the situation. Structured apparel, such as a dress blouse, needs to be properly fitted in order to not pull at the buttons.

Social Effects of Breast Gain

Bigger breasts may create boundary challenges. Many women notice that men's eyes don't meet theirs in conversation. Girls may attract unwanted attention from classmates as breast tissue develops and grows. These actions by others can make a woman feel like she's nothing more than the bumps on her chest, when that's not the case.

It's necessary to accept your body for what it is and to insist that others follow your lead. An attitude of self-acceptance is crucial. There's no excuse for rudeness. Don't retreat behind defensive body language, such as crossing your arms. Instead, catch the person's eye and say, "What are you looking at?" Make them realize that there are boundaries, and that they're to be respected. By defending personal space, a woman keeps her sense of autonomy.

Bigger Breasts and Breast Cancer

Women who perform a monthly breast check will notice a change with any tissue gain. Larger breasts require more time and thoroughness, since there's more fatty tissue and area to cover. It can also be harder to detect smaller lumps and abnormalities in larger breasts. Make certain to never rush through a breast self-exam, and always get a yearly screening after the age of 35 if there's a family history of cancer. If need be, ask a doctor or nurse for advice on detecting abnormalities after significant breast growth.

Benefits of Bigger Breasts

Bigger breasts can be fun and sexy. There are many clothing styles that may fit better on a woman with a fuller bust. Halter and bikini tops, low necklines and bustiers are shaped to enhance a shapely bust, and smaller-chested women often express frustration with these types of designs. Bigger breasts may open up more fashion options.

Women with smaller busts can also feel boyish. Breasts are a major evolutionary marker of femininity, and an attractive silhouette includes a curvaceous bust. Many small-breasted women opt for plastic surgery to enhance the breasts. After the surgery, these women often feel more feminine and confident about their bodies.

Breast gain is a natural part of a woman's life. As long as ladies are conscious of the changes in their bodies, there is little worry that bigger breasts will cause that much of a change.

Tags: Effects Breast, Effects Breast Gain, Breast Gain, breast growth, breasts will, Side Effects, Side Effects Breast