Monday, July 2, 2012

Ways To Prevent Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer forms within the tissue of the ovaries. Two types of ovarian cancer are ovarian epithelial carcinomas and malignant germ cell tumors. Epithelial carcinomas begin in cells located on the surface of the ovary. Malignant germ cells form in the egg cells inside the ovary.

According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2009 there were 21,550 new cases of ovarian cancer reported. Deaths in 2009 were reported at 14,600. Scary statistics but it doesn't have to be. There are a number of ways to prevent ovarian cancer.

Early Prevention

Early prevention of ovarian cancer is possible through exams done by your gynecologist, especially if there is a history of ovarian cancer in your family. Women should see a gynecologist yearly for pap and pelvic exams. Pelvic exams can detect any lumps that have formed on the ovaries. Getting a pap smear can also detect abnormal cells within the cervix.

Gene Therapist

Women who have a history of ovarian cancer in their families can seek the help of a gene therapist. Analysis of your gene makeup determine if you carry the mutated genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 that are linked to ovarian cancer. Women who carry these mutated genes can opt for surgery to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Birth Control

Taking birth control pills can prevent a woman from getting ovarian cancer. Birth control pills prevent the release of eggs from the ovaries and alters hormone levels in the female reproductive system. Taking birth control pills for five years or more decreases the chance of getting ovarian cancer. The longer birth control pills are taken, risk of ovarian cancer decreases. Women should be careful when taking the pill because risk of other illnesses increase. These risks include breast cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Tags: ovarian cancer, control pills, birth control pills, birth control, control pills prevent