Friday, October 18, 2013

Benefits & Side Effects Of Kelp


Kelp is a brown seaweed found in the ocean that is becoming more popular as a dietary supplement because of health benefits associated with it. Kelp is high in Iodine and folic acid, which are important supplements for you to remain healthy. It also contains many other vitamins and minerals which are beneficial to overall health. While these vitamins and minerals are good for you at certain levels, some people can have adverse reactions to high concentrations so you should consult with your doctor before taking kelp supplements.


Kelp is a very good source of iodine which is important for a healthy thyroid gland. The hormones produced by the thyroid are critical to maintain normal cell metabolism. A deficiency of these hormones can cause a reduction in your metabolic rate by as much as 50 percent. This can be a major contributor to obesity as your metabolism would slow down and you would burn dramatically fewer calories, while at the same time feel exhausted. People who do not have enough iodine in their diet are susceptible to low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism, which results in a drop in hormones being produced.

More, however, is not always better. Getting more than the daily recommended amount of iodine in your diet, about 2,000 mcg a day, can lead to abnormal thyroid functions and other harmful side effects such as autoimmune thyroid disease and hypothyroidism.

Alkaline Balance

In High School chemistry class you may have learned about the pH scale, which measures the level of acidity of a material. The mid-point of this scale is seven.Anything below this is considered acidic. Your body wants to stay at the mid-point for optimal health. When you get sick, your body produces acid and your system quickly becomes out of balance. Kelp contains alkali which is a base material. By taking a kelp supplement you are bringing the balance-restoring power of alkali into your system which helps prevent acid indigestion and stomach ulcers. .

Vitamins and Minerals.

Kelp is a great source of many important vitamins and minerals including: vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K and minerals iron, phosphorus, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, selenium, calcium and zinc. These vitamins and minerals are important for a strong immune system, regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and improve liver functions. Kelp has even been shown to control appetites and reduce weight.

Tags: vitamins minerals, folic acid, taking kelp, which important, your system