Friday, October 18, 2013

What Kind Of Schooling Do I Need To Be An Ultrasound Technician

Ultrasound technicians require post-secondary education and clinical experience. However, licensing is not required in the United States. Ultrasound technicians may specialize in abdominal, obstetrics and gynecology, breast, neurology, vascular or cardiac sonography. Cross training in another specialization offers career advancement.

Choose a Path

Many avenues exist for pursuing a diploma or degree in ultrasound sonography. Depending on your personal situation, you can choose to study in a vocational-technical school, hospital, college or university. If you want to advance your career, a college degree might be a good choice. Also, consider where you live and whether there are any face-to-face settings where you could obtain training. Some colleges and universities offer online programs for diagnostic sonography. However, be sure to thoroughly investigate the program's coursework and whether it is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs. Accredited sonongraphy programs enable graduates to sit for the national certification examination from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

Pursue the Goal

Sonography programs strongly recommend and some require high school math, science, social sciences and language arts coursework. Students who enroll in college programs complete general education courses, specific science courses and clinical experience. Students may opt for either an associate degree or a bachelor's degree. The associate degree can be completed in two years, while the bachelor's degree is usually completed in four years. Other settings might be available in your local area. Check with hospitals, vocational schools and community colleges about their programs. An online Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs-accredited degree is a good option for some students.

Work as a Sonographer

When sonographers register with Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs, they also are automatically registered by the Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. These national accreditation and certification boards offer certification of sonographers. The credential is indicative of a sonographer's having achieved a standard level of professional competency, knowledge and skills. However, sonographers must complete ongoing professional development courses. Continuing education courses enable sonographers to keep their skills sharp, as well as learn about advances in the field.

Tags: Accreditation Allied, Accreditation Allied Health, Allied Health, Allied Health Education, Commission Accreditation, Commission Accreditation Allied