Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Make A Fraggle Costume

Incorporate a brightly colored wig as part of your Fraggle Rock costume.

Fraggle Rock, or Fraggles, as the characters are often called, is a television series created by Jim Henson in the 1980s. The muppet-style characters are colorful and bright, with a variety of colored bodies and hair. You can easily construct a Fraggle Rock costume with many items found in your own home or with a few purchases in a local craft store. You can replicate a traditional Fraggle Rock character or simply use the characters as inspiration for creating your own customized Fraggle Rock character.


1. Choose the color for your Fraggle Rock character, such as yellow, green or purple. Choose leggings in your selected color and gloves to match.

2. Measure the proportions of a baseball cap. Add several inches, at least three, to your measurements of the portion of the hat that sits on your head (not the brim). Cut felt fabric to match the modified measurements. The fabric should be the same or similar in color to the color of the leggings.

3. Glue the felt to the hat starting with the visor portion. Stuff batting on top of the hat under the excess fabric to add bulk and height. Glue the edges of the fabric around the edges of the hat to seal the batting in place.

4. Color dots for eyes in the center of the two Styrofoam balls. Glue the eyes with the pupils facing out to the hat behind the visor.

5. Glue a wig to the top of the hat behind the eyes to add hair. You could also use chunks of colored yarn in place of the wig.

6. Cut a Styrofoam ring in half. Cover the half of the ring with felt, leaving a strip of excess felt on either side to tie it around your neck. This will form the lower jaw of the Fraggle Rock character.

7. Dress in an over-sized, solid colored long sleeved shirt and dress over the leggings and gloves. Place the hat on your head and tie on the jaw piece around your neck. Add solid colored slippers to match the leggings to complete the ensemble.

Tags: fraggle, costume, Fraggle Rock, Fraggle Rock character, Rock character, around your, around your neck, Fraggle Rock costume, Rock costume, solid colored, your Fraggle, your Fraggle Rock