Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jobs That Use Math Daily

There are several jobs which use math on a daily basis.

One of the most common complaints from high school students is that they will never use any of the math they are learning in school in their adult lives. What they don't understand, however, is that there are a many jobs in which math is not only used daily but also a primary function of the work. If your student wants to pursue a career in one of these jobs, she will need to study and learn their math.


The entire professional work of an accountant is made up of math. Accountants are the people in a company who determine how much money the company makes and how much it spends. They figure out things like how much a company must pay in taxes and how much money should be allocated to each month's expenses. All of these tasks require a basic understanding of math. For example, if a company buys a car, that car loses value every year. The accountant will have to come up with the rate at which that car loses value, apply that equation every year, and then keep track of the results. Accounts also analyze trends in the cash flow of a company and report those trends as a percentage value. All of these actions require at least a basic understanding of algebra.


There are several different types of engineers, but one thing they all have in common is the daily use of mathematics in their job. Engineers have to use technical, scientific, and mathematical knowledge to design and implement new systems and products. These systems can range from a computer system to a city street system. All engineers use math to help them design more efficient systems in their specialty. They employ the use of geometry and calculus (in addition to basic math and algebra) to help maintain and improve buildings, systems and machines.


A chemist is a person who works with various chemical compounds. These compounds can range in from medicine to household cleaners to new perfumes. In order to do their jobs safely and come up with the right types of chemical products, chemist must know how much of each chemical can be mixed with other chemicals and then keep track of any reactions between the chemicals they mix. Chemists need to have a good grasp of statistics so they can perform complex analysis on the substances as they test them to make sure they are safe for human use.

Tags: basic understanding, come with, every year, jobs which, jobs which math, keep track, loses value