Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reduce Man Breasts

If you have enlarged man breasts, you must take a multifaceted approach to reducing them. Enlarged breasts in men is called gynecomastia and has a range of possible causes and treatments. With dedication and determination, you can return your body to its masculine figure and in the process begin a healthier, more natural lifestyle.


1. Set up an appointment with your doctor to determine the cause. Possible causes include obesity, medications, low testosterone levels and consuming plant-based oestrogens. It is normal for pubescent boys to experience breast enlargement due to fluctuating levels of testosterone during development.

2. Soy beans contain high levels of chemicals that act like oestrogen.

Reduce sources of plant oestrogens in the diet. The most common sources of plant oestrogens are foods such as soy, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, flax seeds, sesame seeds, hummus, garlic, mung beans, dates, apricots, sunflower seeds, peanuts, beans, almonds and alfalfa sprouts.

3. Organic fruits and vegetables are free of pesticide and insecticide residue.

Reduce exposure to inorganic xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are environmental chemicals which cause hormone disruption in men and women. Some of the most common sources of xenoestrogens are insecticides, weed killers, and phthalates in plastic and parabens. Choose organic vegetables and fruits, avoid plastics especially in microwave dinners and bottled water, and use skin products free of parabens.

4. Aerobic fitness and weight training will help shape your body.

Exercise regularly to lose excess weight and promote testosterone levels. For many men having enlarged breasts, is the result of weight gain and fatty tissue being stored in the chest area. Combine aerobic fitness with weight training to strengthen your body and improve your pectoral muscle shape.

5. Talk with your doctor about medical treatments if you have completed the above steps and still feel concerned with your breast growth. Possible medical options include medications to balance hormone levels, surgery, and plastic surgery as a last resort.

Tags: with your, your body, common sources, enlarged breasts, most common, most common sources