Friday, April 3, 2009

Trade Schools For Auto Mechanics In Marquette Michigan

Automotive mechanics diagnose and repair vehicles.

Automotive mechanics inspect, diagnose and repair cars and trucks. They must keep up with digital vehicle technology. Automotive mechanics are generally required to have a high school degree and automotive service technology training at a trade school. If you plan to study automotive mechanics in Marquette, Michigan, you will need to take online courses or study at Northern Michigan University, the one college in the city as of March 2011.

Northern Michigan University

Northern Michigan University offers a certificate in Automotive Service, an associate's degree in Automotive Service Technology and a bachelor's degree in Collision Repair Technology. An Automotive Service certificate is only 41 credit hours, and is all you need to start working as a service technician, repair specialist or parts dealer. If you decide to go for an associate's or bachelor's degree, you will still need to be certified. Higher-education degrees generally allow you to be offered a higher salary upon employment.

Penn Foster Career School

Penn Foster Career School offers online career diploma programs that include hands-on training, and certificates so that students can study auto mechanics in Marquette. The school offers a career diploma in Auto Repair Technician and certificates in Automotive HVAC Essentials and Automotive Transmissions Essentials. ("HVAC" means "heating, ventilating and air conditioning.) The Automotive HVAC Essentials and Automotive Transmissions Essentials certificates are designed for students with a working knowledge of auto mechanics. If you do not yet have a background in this trade, the Auto Repair Technician career diploma would be your best option. This program teaches students auto mechanics basics.

Stratford Career Institute

Stratford Career Institute is an online trade that offers a career diploma in Auto Mechanics. Because courses are online and books are delivered to you, you can study auto mechanics conveniently in Marquette. The program teaches basic to advanced repair technology and techniques, electrical systems, brakes, lights, steering and other essential information needed to become an auto mechanic. The program can be completed in as little as six months, and upon graduates the school sends you a complementary vacuum and fuel pump tester, a compression tester, a remote starter switch, a timing light and a tach/dwell tester.

Ashworth College

Ashworth College is an online trade school that offers an auto mechanic career diploma. Because the courses are offered online, you can study auto mechanics in Marquette. The program can be completed in less than six months, and it includes lessons on operation, performance standards and vehicle inspection. All textbooks and study materials are included in the tuition, and a 10-piece wrench set is included upon your enrollment into the program. Upon graduation, you will also receive a socket wrench set.

Tags: career diploma, auto mechanics, Michigan University, Northern Michigan, Northern Michigan University