Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Use A Digital Ph Meter To Test Body Ph

Digital vision

People use digital pH meters at home to help them choose a proper diet based on their metabolic level for weight loss, health and fitness. These meters generally test saliva or urine. This article explains calibrations, usage, reading results and application of the meter readings.


1. Expect to spend at least $100 in 2009 for a good digital pH meter. You also need a sensor, or electrode, which is a metal probe at the end of a tube. To calibrate the meter, you should use two buffer solutions: one at the lowest range of pH and one at the highest range. Distilled or deionized water is used for cleaning the meter and an acidic solution is for storage. The electrode also uses a specific cleaning solution.

2. The meter has to be calibrated by putting the probe into the low pH buffer solution that is at 4.0 pH. The meter has to be set to this reading. Then the probe has to be put into the high pH buffer solution of 10.0 pH and adjusted to this reading. The meter must be adjusted for the temperature of the solution that is to be tested. Some meters have temperature sensors that automatically adjust for the temperature.

3. Neutral pH is considered to be 7.0 pH, and pH itself stands for "potential of hydrogen." A pH level higher than neutral this means alkaline. A pH level lower than neutral means acidity. Blood tends to be slightly alkaline with a normal pH between 7.35 to 7.45. When saliva is tested it should be between 6.5 to 6.8 pH. A person should test saliva just before a meal. Urine is more acidic with a normal range of between 5.0 and 6.5.

4. If someone's metabolism burns carbohydrates too fast it causes a person to be acidic. If the metabolism burns carbohydrates too slow it causes alkalinity. An imbalance can cause the body to convert carbohydrates to fat and can, also, contribute to many illnesses including allergies, high blood pressure and fatigue.

Tags: buffer solution, burns carbohydrates, metabolism burns, metabolism burns carbohydrates, probe into