Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Breast Cancer Warning Signs

Breast cancer, if caught early by means of self-exam and a biopsy, is treatable with a lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other hormone therapies. A higher occurrence of breast cancer is found in families with incidence of breast cancer or it may happen for unknown reasons. Warning signs of breast cancer are set forth in the following article which may help you spot some of the symptoms that a women experiences that should be regarded as "red flags" and evaluated by a physician as soon as possible.


Monthly breast self-examinations are sometimes the best way to detect strange lumps that were not present during the last monthly self-exam. To perform a self-exam, lie down with your arms above your head. With your left arm fell under your right armpit for lumps or thickening or dimpling of the skin. Gradually feel every inch of your breast using your index finger and middle finger in a circular motion. On detection of any abnormalities, an appointment should be made with your physician.


Breast cancer symptoms include bruising appearing on the breast area that won't go away. Sometimes the bruise will change colors; however, the bruise always remains.

Breasts itch and there may be discharge from the nipples. Sometimes the nipples will retract or invert and the skin changes color ranging from dark pink to red.

Time Frame

Breasts may suddenly swell and a lump appears. Often this symptom is mistakenly diagnosed as mere infection and treated with a course of antibiotics. Subsequently, the treatment is useless. If your symptoms remain longer than one week, request a consult with a breast specialist who will order a biopsy. Inflammatory breast cancer is an aggressive form of cancer that may spread quickly to other organs in the body; therefore, early detection is important to save lives.


The skin under the arms thickens and sometimes the breast will take on the pitted look of an orange peel; this is called peau d'orange. Swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck or under the arms is cause for concern; immediate action on your part is needed to make an appointment to see the doctor ASAP to discuss your findings.


Inflammatory breast cancer is usually not detected through a yearly mammography or by an ultrasound. A biopsy is the best detection on spotting the symptoms of breast cancer with a self exam and acting upon it immediately. Inflammatory breast cancer travels fast in younger women with lots of estrogen in their bodies; with older women, the cancer is slow-moving because of the dwindling amounts of estrogen present in a woman's body as she ages.

Tags: breast cancer, Inflammatory breast, Inflammatory breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer