Monday, January 14, 2013

Signs And Symptoms Of An Ectopic Pregnancy

Signs and Symptoms of an Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is one that cannot be carried to term because the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. In most cases, the egg implants in the fallopian tube, which is also called a tubal pregnancy, but eggs also may implant in the abdomen or ovary. Ectopic pregnancies occur in about one in 60 pregnancies, according to the American Pregnancy Association. If an ectopic pregnancy is discovered, it must be terminated medically or surgically. If it is not diagnosed, the fallopian tube can rupture and cause serious complications.


Some women with an ectopic pregnancy experience pain that is not associated with a normal pregnancy. The pain often develops in the lower abdomen or pelvic region, but some women also have lower back pain. The pain can be sharp or stabbing and may come and go periodically. When the pain is severe, it may radiate to the shoulder and neck areas.


An ectopic pregnancy can also cause some irregular and abnormal vaginal bleeding. In most cases the bleeding is light, but vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy should always be reported to your doctor.

Early Pregnancy Signs

In many cases, women with an ectopic pregnancy will experience many symptoms commonly associated with early pregnancy. Typical early signs include breast tenderness, nausea and fatigue.

Signs of Rupture

If an ectopic pregnancy is not diagnosed early, it can cause the fallopian tube to rupture, which can be serious or even life-threatening. When the tube ruptures, it often causes symptoms to worsen. For example, the pain may become severe and constant and can radiate to the shoulder, back and neck. Some women will feel faint or dizzy and may even faint. In addition, internal bleeding can cause shock, which is the first sign of a tubal rupture in about 20 percent of ectopic pregnancies, according to the National Institutes of Health. Signs of shock include chest pain, dizziness, low or no urine output, excessive sweating, a thready pulse, shallow breathing, clammy and pale skin, mental confusion and anxiety. Shock is a serious condition requiring prompt medical attention. If you begin experiencing these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

Tags: ectopic pregnancy, fallopian tube, associated with, early pregnancy, fallopian tube rupture, most cases