Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Military Deployments & Divorce

Deployment stress can be handled with guidance from professionals.

Military families understand the difficulties of deployment and stress. Divorce has resulted from the stress and separation of deployment. Chaplains, military service personnel and counselors have increased training and personal knowledge on deployment topics to serve soldiers and their families.


According to Lasky Law Firm, divorce rates for military couples were higher than civilian divorce rates in 2009, and approximately 50,000 military marriages ended. Military divorce rates change due to war specifics, averages of spouse ages, the economy, and multiple deployments for the same units.


Stress takes a toll on both the soldier and family during deployment. Stress factors that occur include financial changes, loneliness, single parenting difficulties, and fear of injury or even death. Post-traumatic stress disorder can occur after multiple deployments with little time in between. Soldiers and families should not ignore emotions associated with deployment but face them and seek help.


Deployments do not have to cause trouble in a strong marriage. Organizations such as the American Red Cross offer assistance programs for military families before and after deployments. A Department of Defense study has shown that deployments may actually enhance a marriage. According to the National Defense Research Institute, soldiers gain fulfillment and self-worth after serving during a deployment. The spouse will positively transfer these feelings into providing for his family.

Tags: divorce rates, during deployment, multiple deployments