Thursday, February 14, 2013

Novel Fundraising Ideas For The Pta

The PTA helps raise funds for school materials.

Fundraising is one of the key responsibilities for a PTA. The Parent Teacher Association raises money for various extra items that enhance the education of the child. Selling cookie dough and wrapping paper is a common fundraising option, but this may become boring year after year. Plan creative fundraisers each year to renew interest in the events. This variety will encourage people to come out and support the group's fundraising efforts.

Rubber Duck Race

A rubber duck race is a family event for good weather. You'll need at least one large prize for the winner of the rubber duck race. Ask for monetary donations from local businesses to purchase the prize. Tickets are sold leading up to the race to sponsor a particular duck. Each ticket has a corresponding number that is painted onto a rubber duck. All of the ducks are dumped into a local creek, river or other waterway with a good current. The ducks float toward the finish line. The first rubber duck to cross the finish line is the winner. The person with the corresponding ticket wins the prize. Combine the duck race with a family picnic or carnival to have greater participation and earn more money.

Outdoor Movie

Host an outdoor movie as a fundraising event. Charge each family a set amount of money to attend the event. Rent an outdoor movie screen or project the movie onto the side of a large, lightly colored building. Families can bring lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy the movie. To make more money, set up a concession stand at the movie location. Sell movie theater classics such as popcorn, soda and candy.


Hold a dance-a-thon with the kids at the school. Each child collects pledges that the donors pay per hour that the dance-a-thon lasts. The kids play an integral role in this fundraiser and have a good time doing it. You can hold other events such as a walkathon, a jog-a-thon or sing-a-thon depending on what the kids want to do for the fundraiser.

Family Portraits

Contact the company that handles school pictures to see if they would be willing to help out with a fundraiser. Hold the event on a Saturday so families can attend. The families pay a sitting fee that goes to the PTA. A fee of $10 will earn you a decent amount of money without scaring off families. The photography company still makes money from the photos ordered by the families. You can also contact a local photographer to see if she would be willing to do the fundraiser. She would make money on the photos and potentially have new clients for future family pictures.


Offer up the services of the PTA, teachers or students to the community. Create a list of basic chores that the group can perform. Raking leaves, picking up sticks or running errands all work well. Set a price for each of the errands. People from the community can hire the group to perform the tasks in exchange for the set fee. Pick one or two days to complete the chores, and create a schedule so you don't overbook the group.

Tags: rubber duck, amount money, duck race, finish line, group perform, more money