Sonography schools in Missouri
A diagnostic medical sonographer is a medical professional who is responsible for performing a number of tasks including examinations on post-surgical patients, assisting physicians with invasive procedures and performing sonographic examinations. A diagnostic medical sonographer must achieve a specific level of knowledge and skill to be able to perform these tasks. Schools in Missouri that offer diagnostic medical sonography programs help students acquire the proper training needed to become a medical sonographer.
Cox Health Systems
Cox Health Systems School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography is located in Springfield, Missouri, and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). The school aims to produce trained sonographers by providing registered or registry-eligible radiographers with the knowledge and skills necessary during an intensive 19-month program. Students are educated and trained on the specialty areas of abdomen, obstetrics, gynecology, vascular technology and neurosonography.
Rolla Technical Center
Rolla Technical Center is located in Rolla, Missouri, and offers an 18-month Diagnostic Ultrasound program. The program is aimed in teaching students the knowledge and skills needed to perform in the field of sonography. Graduates with certificates in Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonography (RDMS), Abdomen OB/GYN or Vascular Technologist (RVT) will be able to work with patients and medical professionals in the medical imaging department.
St. Louis Community College
The St. Louis Community College is located in St. Louis, Missouri, and offers a 42-credit-hour program that earns you a Certificate of Proficiency in Diagnostic Medical Sonography accredited by the CAAHEP. The program, which includes both classroom work and clinical education, prepares students for entry-level employment. Graduates are eligible to take the certification examinations offered by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography for Abdomen and OB/GYN for Medical Sonography, Adult Echocardiography for Cardiac Sonography and the Vascular Technology Examination for Vascular Technology.
St. Luke's Hospital of Kansas City
St. Luke's Hospital of Kansas City in Missouri offers an 18-month Accredited Sonography Program that includes both didactic and clinical training in diagnostic medical ultrasonography. Students rotate in a wide variety of imaging sites to include Perinatology, Vascular Lab and General Sonography. Graduates are eligible to take the certification examinations offered by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography for OB/GYN, Abdomen, Physics, Vascular and Neurosonography.
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Missouri is located in Columbia, Missouri, offers a program in Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound (DMU). The program is a 52-week per academic year Clinical Education Program which trains students with the skills and knowledge they need to be a sonographer. Classes are 35 to 40 hours per week. The school also offers a Master of Health Science (MHS) in Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound, the only school in the United States that offers this specialty.
Tags: Medical Sonography, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Missouri offers, Diagnostic Medical, medical sonographer, American Registry, American Registry Diagnostic