Friday, September 18, 2009

Why Breast Size Increases During Your Period

Breast size changes slightly with the hormone fluctuations that occur during a normal menstrual cycle. It is common for hormones or diet to cause breast size to increase during menstruation or just before menstruation.


One of the hormones that may be responsible for increased breast size during your period is progesterone. Progesterone levels are highest around the 21st day of your 28-day cycle.


According to a 1985 study published by the American Cancer Society, there is a correlation between high prolactin levels and increased breast size during your period. Prolactin stimulates milk glands and cause breasts to swell. Prolactin levels are highest in the two weeks before menstruation.

Fluid Retention

Hormone fluctuations during your menstrual cycle may cause fluid retention that manifests as abdominal bloating or increased breast size. Salt intake increases fluid retention.


Excessive breast swelling may damage breast tissues. A 1992 study at Hôpital Necker in France found a correlation between breast swelling during menstruation and risk of breast cancer.


Decreasing salt, caffeine and fat in your diet may help decrease breast swelling during your period. Water pills, birth control pills or synthetic androgen may be prescribed if lifestyle changes are insufficient.

Tags: breast size, breast swelling, during your, increased breast, increased breast size, your period