Friday, September 18, 2009

Facts On The Last Stages Of Breast Cancer

Stage IV breast cancer is the final stage of the process, in which the cancer has progressed to a metastatic state and has spread to one or more areas of the body, such as the brain, lungs, liver or bones.


Doctors identify Stage IV breast cancer by the fact that it has not only been located in the breast tissue, but also in the lymph nodes and other areas of the body.


In Stage III and Stage IV breast cancer, the breast tumor has developed into a 5cm tumor or greater; any other developing tumors in the body can be of any size.


Doctors previously thought that breast cancer was incurable in its final stages, but advances in medicine have proven to prolong life expectancy.


Regular mammograms for women aged 40 and over will help locate breast cancer in its early stages and make curing it easier.


In Stage IV breast cancer, treatments such as hormone therapy, chemotherapy and targeted therapy have the potential to cure and/or prolong life expectancy if started immediately.

Tags: breast cancer, Stage breast, Stage breast cancer, areas body, breast cancer, life expectancy