Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Average Salary Of A Diagnostic Medical Imager

Sonographers perform ultrasounds and diagnostic imaging.

Diagnostic medical imagers, also known as sonographers, take ultrasound imaging of patients in hospitals and clinics to aid physicians and surgeons and making diagnoses. The average salary of a diagnostic medical imager will vary depending on factors such as his level of experience, the type of clinic or laboratory he works in and his location.

Average Salary

As of May 2009, the average salary of a diagnostic medical imager in the United States is $63,640 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the salary scale, those in the 10th percentile earn $43,990 a year, those in the 90th percentile earn $85,950 and the median salary is $63,010.


According to the same report, most diagnostic medical imagers are employed in either hospitals or the offices of physicians, earning similar salaries of $63,770 at the former and $63,820 at the latter. In medical and diagnostic laboratories the annual average income for this occupation is $61,820, while $64,560 is the average for outpatient care centers. Colleges, universities and professional schools are among the top-paying industries for this career at $66,250. Specialty hospitals, the management of companies and enterprises and employment services are also high-paying at salary with averages of $67,070, $67,890 and $68,020 respectively.


Diagnostic medical imagers in different cities and states will earn varying salaries based on the demand and cost of living of their area. As of May 2009, Massachusetts is the highest-paying state for these sonographers at $78,460 on average, followed by Oregon at $78,320 and Colorado at $77,380. The highest wages in the country for diagnostic medical imagers are in the metropolitan areas of Santa Cruz-Watsonville and San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, California at $97,530 and $92,680 respectively.

Advancement and Opportunities

Diagnostic medical imagers can seek advancement and higher salaries by becoming credentialed in more than one specialty area. For example, imagers can become one or more of the following types of sonographers; obstetric, abdominal or cardiac. In some settings such as hospitals and medical clinics, imagers may advance with experience into supervisory, managerial and/or administrative roles.

Tags: medical imagers, diagnostic medical, Average Salary, Diagnostic medical, diagnostic medical imager, Diagnostic medical imagers