Thursday, June 11, 2009

Can Breast Implants Cause Cysts

Can Breast Implants Cause Cysts?

A woman may choose to get breast implants for a reconstruction following surgery or for purely cosmetic reasons such as an increase in size or change in shape. As with any surgery, there are risks as well as benefits involved with breast implants, and these concerns should always be discussed with a physician.


Breast implants do not cause cysts. Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs within the breast that feel firm and are easily movable. They are caused when an overgrowth of glands and tissue block the ducts that supply milk to the nipple for breast-feeding.

They are most frequently found in women in their 30s or 40s, and usually do not require treatment unless they are exceptionally large and painful. If you think you have a breast cyst, you should see a doctor for an examination, just in case.


According to the FDA, breast implants might rupture and/or deflate because of their age, or they might need adjustment.


According to Medline Plus, breast implants can lead to difficulty breastfeeding, loss of feeling, scarring or uneven nipples. Breast surgery can also cause scar tissue around the implant--which can be mistaken for cysts.


The FDA says: "Breast implants will not last a lifetime. Either because of rupture or other complications, you will probably need to have the implants removed. You are likely to need additional doctor visits, reoperations, or removals because of one or more complications over the course of your life. Many of the changes to your breast following implantation may be cosmetically undesirable and cannot be reversed. If you later choose to have your implants removed, you may experience unacceptable dimpling, puckering, wrinkling, breast tissue loss, or other undesirable cosmetic changes of the breasts."


Whether or not to get breast implants is a very important and personal decision, and you must consider all options before deciding to go under the knife. Always discuss all concerns with a physician and understand all the risks and benefits involved with the surgery.

Tags: breast implants, benefits involved, benefits involved with, breast implants, Breast Implants Cause, Cause Cysts