Thursday, June 18, 2009

Look 10 Years Younger At Age 50 And Older

Look 10 years younger

I and many baby boomers are living proof that you can look 10 years younger when you turn 50. And for me, it was without expensive anti-aging wrinkle cream. I love it! When I turned 50 a couple of years ago, my colleagues were amazed when they passed my office and saw all of the "50" streamers hanging from the ceiling. It's really a great feeling when the compliments come from those who are considerably younger than you are. Several young ladies have said to me "I wish I look as good as you when I turn 50". My response to them is "you can and I'm going to tell you how". Does this Spark an idea?


1. Be Active!

Exercise. Walk. Dance. Jog. Run. Do something besides sitting on the couch or in front of a computer screen every day. You often hear how important exercise is for a healthy heart and controlling your weight. Now, I'm telling you that I think it is essential to feeling and looking young. When your circulatory system is functioning properly it helps your body parts work like they are meant to including purging impurities that messes up your skin, clog your arteries and weaken your bones.

2. Hydrate.

Drink a lot of water and use skin care products designed to clean, tone and hydrate your skin. You do not have to spend a lot of money or buy the most expensive product on the market to look good. I've used one face crème (Esoterica) on my face since 12th grade. It works for me. It's getting harder to find Esoterica now and the price has increased from $4.99 to about $9.00 but it is the only face product I've ever used. I think it is the reason I have this "clear" skin for which I'm often praised.

3. Be good to yourself.

Occasionally, treat yourself to a facial, a massage, pedicure, manicure and a body scrub. Get rid of that old dead skin and look alive. Most people focus on their face, hand and feet but your body as a whole needs to be treated with care. Use gloves when doing chores around the house and sunscreen when you're in the sunlight. Skin burns - regardless of your race or ethnicity.

4. Laugh!

According to psychologists, laughing and smiling reduces stress and is one of the easiest and most important expressions you can make. It reduces stress and wrinkles without buying expensive anti-aging wrinkle cream.

5. Find Peace of Mind.

Stpo worrying about every little thing that happens. Life gets tough and there will be days when you won't want to get out of bed but you have to reach deep within your psyche and find motivation. I've found that the best way to do this is to learn, understand and live by this saying: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference (Reinhold Neibuhr)". Once you learn literally live those words, you will have a peace that is indescribable.

Tags: anti-aging wrinkle, anti-aging wrinkle cream, expensive anti-aging, expensive anti-aging wrinkle, look good