Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Become An Ultrasound Tech In Colorado

Ultrasound schools provide training for a great career.

With the use of the most commonly used imaging technology, the ultrasound technician may monitor the health of a developing fetus, view the condition of an abdominal organ, detect a cardiac problem, or discover a cancerous tumor. Although Colorado does not require state licensure for ultrasound technicians, many employers seek to hire registered sonographers. There are several cities of employment for the ultrasound technician. Boulder and Fort Collins are well populated and offer more job opportunities; however, the metro areas of Denver and Boulder have the highest median salary.


1. Complete the prerequisites. A high school diploma or GED is needed prior to entering any program. Each program may be different and some may require additional specialty courses such as medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, algebra and trigonometry, and physics. Clarify which courses are needed through the program counselor.

2. Research, attend, and complete a sonography program. It is important that the school of ultrasound is accredited through the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Most schools offer a two-year associate's degree program or a four-year bachelor's degree program. Courses that are one year are generally not accredited and will not meet job requirements. Consider organizations that offer credentialing in specialized areas. For example, a cardiac ultrasound technician will need certification from Cardiovascular Credentialing International.

3. Consider the internship facility. The clinical internship will allow the student technician to sharpen their skills and enhance their training. Make sure the site offers experience in any specializations that should be pursued, such as obstetric, abdominal, neuro, vascular, breast, and cardiac sonography. Not all ultrasound tech programs require an internship to graduate; however, it will provide better employment opportunities.

4. Take and pass the exam as a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer to become certified. For the ultrasound techs who choose to specialize, a separate specialty credential through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography will need to be pursued. The exam is quite difficult and will require studying prior to taking it. Visit ARDMS site (see Resources below) to verify prerequisites and ability to take the exam. Some fees may apply.

5. Focus on finding a job. Research job listings and discover what each has to offer. Be sure to check out all aspects of the job to be sure it is a right fit. Each organization may have a different benefit package and some companies may offer a signing bonus. The job location, environment, and shift hours will be important. The ultrasound technician will need to be sure that their appropriate qualifications meet the job criteria.

Tags: ultrasound technician, Diagnostic Medical, will need, American Registry, American Registry Diagnostic, degree program