Thursday, June 9, 2011

Infrared Therapy For Heel Spurs

A heel spur, or a calcaneal spur, is a hard nail-like growth of calcium around the ligaments and tendons of the foot where they are attached to the heel bone. The spur grows from the bone and then goes into the fleshy part of the foot. It can be painful. Infrared therapy makes use of infrared radiation from infrared lamps, hot water bottles, heating pads or other sources, to lessen pain and increase circulation to a certain part of your body. A good characteristic of infrared therapy treatment is that it is easy. Using it gives you quick pain relief.

Decreasing Heel Spur Pain

Often, a heel spur causes pain because it stretches and stresses the plantar fascia ligament around the heel spur. Reducing the cause of the pain is vital to treatment. In most cases, you need to rest your feet to reduce the pain and swelling.

Prolotex Socks emit infrared energy. This helps to increase the blood flow to the ligament, so your inflammation is reduced. They also stimulate blood cells, antibodies and nutrients to flow to the inflamed area. Because of this, they have both protective and restorative effects on the tissues of your feet.

Infrared Light Characteristics

Infrared rays are electromagnetic wave lengths of 7,600 to 15,000 Angstroms, (unit for measuring light wavelengths). These rays affect tissue because of the thermal energy infrared light produces. These wavelengths are longer than the light you can see but shorter than radio waves. You benefit from this light because of its likeness to the sun's rays. Infrared light does not, however, have the same negative effects as too much sun exposure. Infrared light penetrates your skin and can go 1 inch deep into your body.

Why Infrared Therapy Works

Infrared light lessens pain when applied directly to your feet. Wrap your painful feet with some padding that holds infrared rays, like the infrared emitting socks. When these rays penetrate the skin, they release nitric oxide that relaxes your blood vessels and prevents blood clots from forming. Because of this, blood circulation to your feet improves. This speeds up healing, making you feel better.

Tags: your feet, heel spur, Because this, Infrared light, your body