Thursday, June 9, 2011

Find Ultrasound Technician Training

Ultrasound-technician training programs educate students in the skills and technical expertise needed to become an ultrasound technician or sonographer in a hospital or medical facility. Ultrasound-technician programs are available at career and technical colleges throughout the United States and Canada and can take anywhere from one to four years to complete, depending on the type of program you choose. Read on to learn find an ultrasound-technician training program that is right for you.


1. Visit the website of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, also known as CAAHEP (see Resources). Look at the list of accredited ultrasound-technician training programs in your state. Most programs can be found in community colleges and technical schools, although some ultrasound-technician training programs are housed in traditional four-year colleges and universities. Ultrasound-technician programs usually culminate in an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree.

2. Search for programs that fit your needs and your schedule. Some programs offer evening and weekend courses for students that work during the weekdays. Some programs allow you to take some of your courses online or through distance education. Avoid programs that offer the majority of their coursework online. You will need many hours of practical, hands-on training in order to be successful as an ultrasound technician.

3. Look for programs that emphasize on-the-job training. Most programs will require students to complete internships in medical facilities that will allow students to practice using ultrasound machines. Avoid programs that don't emphasize training in patient-care settings. Expect to spend one to four years earning your diploma, certificate, or degree in sonography or ultrasound technology. Shorter programs usually culminate in a certificate or an associate's degree and prepare students for entry-level positions. Students who earn a four-year degree in ultrasound technology will also be prepared for entry-level jobs as an ultrasound technician, but will have a higher earning potential and a greater selection of jobs to choose from.

4. Expect your courses in ultrasound technology to cost anywhere from $75 to $500 per credit. Ultrasound-technician programs at community colleges are generally less expensive than programs at four-year colleges. Programs at community colleges charge less for tuition and don't require as many credits to earn a degree.

5. Visit the school's campus and speak with a representative from the ultrasound-technician training program. Ask the representative any questions you have about the school and request a tour of the training facilities. Look for sonography equipment that is modern and in good repair. Speak with current students about their experiences in the program.

Tags: programs that, community colleges, training programs, ultrasound technology, Ultrasound-technician programs, anywhere from, associate degree