Friday, June 17, 2011

What Is Human Services Management

Human services management involves helping people.

The term human services management can be confusing. Several different definitions seem to exist. However, in all cases, human services management, in some way involves managing services for people.

Social Services

Many universities offer four-year degrees in human services management. These degrees prepare students for careers as social workers, counselors and probation officers. According to, students graduating from these programs should be comfortable "...leading group and individual therapy and rehabilitation sessions, know apply for and secure financial backing for human services organizations, and be an effective personal communicator."

Human Resources

Some organizations, such as Asnuntuck Community College (ADD) of Enfield, Connecticut offer certificates in human services management. This certificate prepares students for careers in human resources. Coursework includes basic management, organizational behavior, sociology and psychology.


Other references to human resources management involve the management of either human resources departments or the management of social work organizations.

Tags: human services, human resources, services management, human services management, human services management, services management