Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Aims & Benefits Of Employee Wellness Programs

Employers are realizing the impact unhealthy employees have on their business, and in response, employee wellness programs have sprung up to help employees make healthy lifestyle choices. Different from disease management, which focuses on controlling a chronic condition, wellness programs aim to help employees change behaviors. Many health insurance companies offer wellness programs to their group health customers. If they do not, employers may contract with an independent wellness management company to provide these services.

Healthier Employees

The ultimate goal of an employee wellness program is lifestyle change. The program encourages the employee to make better choices regarding his health. The health benefits to an employee for completing a wellness program are many. Whether the program helps the employee quit smoking, lose weight, manage stress or adapt a healthy exercise and eating program, any of these contribute to a healthier employee. Making positive lifestyle changes results in reduction of long-term health risks, the employee feeling better, living longer and getting sick less often.

Employer Benefits

Sick employees cost the employer money. They tend to miss work and are not as productive as their healthier peers. Healthier employees visit the doctor less and have lower utilization of health care services. Ultimately, less utilization equals lower health care costs, which equals lower premiums, resulting in fewer dollar contributions from both employer and employee. Additionally, employers may note a reduction in absenteeism and increase in productivity due to employees that made lifestyle changes.

Health Education

Employee wellness programs offer a no-cost resource for employees who need support to make a lifestyle change. For employees who truly need education on making healthier choices, the wellness program is the first step in the right direction. Employees may not realize the impact of their lifestyle and the wellness program will alert her to the risks of her behavior. Increasing the employees awareness of her health issues, guiding the employee to resources for support and education are all goals of a wellness program.

Types of Wellness Programs

The most common types of employee wellness programs are smoking cessation, weight management, stress management, nutrition and exercise. Most wellness programs encourage the employee to complete a health risk assessment. Employers may offer their employees incentives, such as cash or reduction of health insurance premiums, to complete the assessment. Based on the assessment results, the employee will receive a report that lists the areas with their highest health risks. Online modules, tools, written communications and the opportunity to work with a clinical health coach are other wellness program components.

Tags: wellness program, wellness programs, employee wellness, employee wellness programs, equals lower, health care, health insurance