Friday, February 24, 2012

Benign Tumors And Breast Soreness After Menopause

Menopause is part of the normal aging process for all women. This stage of life marks the end of fertility as the body stops producing the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. The ensuing hormone fluctuations can cause noticeable changes in the shape, texture and sensitivity of the breasts.


Many women experience tenderness, pain, soreness, discomfort and swelling in their breasts during menopause. Most of the time this is caused by a hormonal imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. For most women this tenderness usually diminishes after a few years.


Any group of cells that form a lump in the breast can be referred to as a tumor. Most breast tumors are not cancerous, but are considered benign.


There are three basic types of benign breast tumors: fibrocystic lumps, fibroadenomas and papillomas. Most women of childbearing age have one or more of these types of benign tumors. These tumors are uncommon in women after menopause unless they are taking hormones.


Benign breast tumors rarely cause breast soreness or tenderness. Most fibrocystic lumps will disappear on their own after menopause.


It is impossible for a woman at any stage of life to distinguish between a benign and cancerous lump in her breast. Breast self awareness should continue after menopause and any noticeable change in the appearance or sensation of the breasts should be discussed with a qualified physician for proper diagnosis.

Tags: breast tumors, after menopause, estrogen progesterone, fibrocystic lumps, lump breast