Thursday, March 28, 2013

Keep Your Hair Long Past The Age Of 50

The up-do on a 54-year-old. When let down, the hair reaches the middle of her back

Some women refuse to cut their hair, even long after they've reached the half century mark. If you like it, wear it that way no matter how old you are. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Long hair on a woman after the age of 40 and especially after 50 is a rarity. Why? Too much trouble? Unbecoming? Inappropriate? While "old" hair isn’t going to have the sheen and luster of young hair, it can still be drop-dead gorgeous at any length. If you have healthy hair, then its length shouldn’t be an issue. The cardinal rule used to be that after the age of 30, women, particularly those who were mothers, were expected to whack off their hair. If you buck tradition and want to keep your hair long, then do it.

2. Since many post-middle-agers are battling the effects of gravity and rarely winning, it's advisable to add some height to your hair at the top. Flat hair can drag down your face. Cher was able to get away with it when she was younger and still manages to pull it off with a certain elan, but most women aren't lifted and taut and can't afford a hairstyle that emphasizes the downward spiral of their facial features. Height and volume can be obtained through layers or by wearing your hair in an up-sweep. Not only does the up-sweep draw the eye upward, it also gives the illusion of an immediate facelift and will make you appear taller and thinner.

3. There is an abundance of good hair products on the market, many of which are very affordable and do exactly what they promise to do. They lift, volumize, straighten, de-frizz and gloss and even coax your hair into curling. Long hair can be worn straight or curly, down or up, in a braid or a ponytail. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Some of the most breathtaking hairstyles can be worn by a white- or gray-haired women of a certain age who have some length to their hair and know work it. They aren’t held captive by hairspray or the once-weekly helmet 'do that doesn’t move until the next hair appointment when the hairdresser washes out what she did the week before, only to do it again.

4. Smile when you see an older woman with some hair. It’s delightfully unexpected and can be utterly attractive. She’s got attitude and the moxie to pull off anything she sets her mind to. She isn’t controlled by convention or rules that were passé years and years ago. If you’re over fifty and thinking about letting your hair grow, discuss it with your hairdresser. If they are utterly opposed, then find someone else who can help guide you through the hair growing process and instruct you in what products to use or which to avoid. Use barrettes, headbands, clips, scrunchies and bobby pins--whatever fashion accessory works for your hair at whatever stage.If you find that long hair is unflattering and aging, then cut it. But if you like it, stick with it.Rules are made to be broken.

Tags: your hair, their hair