Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lose Weight After Breast Augumentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that is typically performed for cosmetic reasons, but may also be employed as reconstructive surgery. There are two basic types of breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammaplasty, and both involve the insertion of breast implants. Breast enlargement is chosen by women who desire fuller breasts. Breast enhancement is selected by women who wish to restore volume to their breasts that may have been lost after a significant reduction in weight or after pregnancy. It is best to attain your desired weight prior to undergoing breast augmentation surgery, but if you need to lose weight after surgery, you should do it safely.


1. Consult with your plastic surgeon, so you understand the effects significant weight loss may have on the appearance of your breasts. The breasts are composed of glandular tissue and fatty tissue. Any weight loss in the body will likely include weight loss from the breasts as well.

2. Set a goal that focuses on being healthy rather than on a specific amount of weight to lose or size to attain. Measure your progress on a regular basis, and celebrate successes as you attain them.

3. Talk with your health-care provider regarding exercises that you are healthy enough to engage in. Begin a consistent exercise routine that includes both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises such as jogging and swimming will help your body to burn calories more efficiently. Anaerobic exercises such as weight lifting and other resistance-type exercises help to build muscle mass that is more efficient at burning body fat.

4. Plan and eat a sensible weight-loss diet that emphasizes fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains, but does not neglect the other categories on the food pyramid. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no need to put severe restriction on the types of foods you eat, nor is it necessary to endure extreme hunger. But you will need to reduce your caloric intake.

Tags: weight loss, augmentation surgery, breast augmentation, breast augmentation surgery, exercises such