Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Breast Reduction Infection

Breast reductions shouldn't be done before age 18.

Reduction mammaplasty, more commonly known as breast reduction surgery, is the process of removing excessive fat, glandular tissue and skin from your breasts to significantly reduce breast size. Breast reductions are only recommended to be done when the body has fully matured, around the age of 18.

Health and Beauty

There are a variety of different reasons for a woman to undergo breast reduction surgery. Woman who have large breasts may experience restricted physical activity, neck and back pain, poor posture, negative self-esteem, as well as difficulty performing everyday tasks. A breast reduction could be the key to improving your quality of life, but it should only be performed for your benefit and not for someone else's.

Before Surgery

There are always risks involved with any surgery. Find the a plastic surgeon with whom you feel comfortable to perform the surgery. Inform the doctor of any allergies or current medications you are ingesting. Also, the doctor needs to be aware of any prior surgeries and family history. You should also discuss any feelings of hesitation or concerns before having the surgery.


In rare cases, a breast surgery can result in infection or other complications. Signs of infection are warmth of the wound, excessive soreness, swelling and redness. Not properly caring for the incisions can result in infection. Be sure to change the bandages regularly and keep the area clean. Apply any topical ointments the surgeon prescribes to maximize results for a healthy recovery.

Additionally, after surgery, your wounds will be bandaged and you will be put into a brace for support. To reduce infection, do not engage in any heavy lifting or physical activity that can break open the wounds. Also, do not allow water to directly soak the area; this can result in the wound opening and increase chances of infection.

Recovery Time

Recovery time for a breast reduction surgery is six months. Doctors recommend not to work for two weeks and absolutely no exercise for a month.

For the first one to two weeks, you will feel a large amount of pain. Your doctor will prescribe you pain medication; read and follow the instructions exactly. The sutures or stitches will be removed after one week. Care for the wounds per the surgeon's instructions once the sutures have been removed. The risk of infection greatly increases after sutures are removed. You will experience severe bruising and swelling for at least two to three weeks.


Ideally, having breast reduction surgery will improve quality of life. Neck and back problems will disappear and self-esteem levels will elevate. Stay in touch with your plastic surgeon, and report any infection or discomfort for instant relief. Many times, your doctor's office will ask you to guide new patients through their own procedures and answer any questions they might have. This gains credibility for the plastic surgeon. Be sure to ask if you can speak to someone who has already had the procedure done before making any decisions.

Tags: breast reduction surgery, reduction surgery, breast reduction, plastic surgeon, breast reduction, Breast reductions, done before