Tuesday, September 17, 2013

List Of Office Duties

Office work consists of numerous jobs.

An office is a busy environment with several jobs being carried out at once. An office is usually broken into departments, each focusing on one specific area of work. Finance, human resources and sales are examples of these departments. Office workers generally fulfill several roles within their department.

Dealing With Inquires

Answering phone calls and dealing with inquiries is a common office duty. This may involve taking a message and passing it on, transferring the call to another person better equipped to answer the caller or finding the information to answer the inquiry directly. in addition to answering phone calls, a common office duty is dealing with mail, both paper and electronic. Inquiries may come from an office manager, and it is an office worker's duty to find the asked-for information and present it in a report to the manager.

Preparing Correspondence

Preparing correspondence is an important office responsibility. Letters to clients and customers must be prepared quickly and with no errors. The content is often decided by a manager who will either offer guidance to the nature of the correspondence or provide a dictation if necessary. Inter-department memorandums; or memos for short, are prepared by office workers to pass on important information. These can be in paper or email format depending on the procedures of each individual office.

Managing Managers' Diaries

Managing managers' appointments is a common office worker's duty. This may be in paper format or make use of electronic calendar programs such as Outlook, iCal or Thunderbird. An officer worker may be responsible for managing more than one appointment book. It is his duty to ensure that the manager knows what is happening each day and alert her to important deadlines.

Database Management

Customer files are maintained in a database. Most offices now use electronic databases that store important information that can be searched and organized using various fields. It is a common office duty to manage this database and upload new files. Changes must be made to records periodically as a customer's circumstances change. Databases also hold records on employees and inventory. If a manager requires information from the database it is the responsibility of an office worker to prepare a report that summarizes the information from the database.


Reprographics is a common office duty. This involves using office equipment such as a photocopier or scanner to produce copies of a document. Each company has its own procedures governing copy use and it is the responsibility of office workers to be familiar with these procedures. It is common to have a monthly department limit on the number of copies made that must not be exceeded.

Tags: common office, common office duty, office duty, duty This, office worker