Monday, July 13, 2009

Qualifications For Mammography Jobs

Professional workers performing mammography scanning are known as radiologic technologists or radiologic technicians. Mammography is the scanning process where a radiologic technologist examines the female breast with a low-dose X-ray system. This scan is done to identify and prevent breast cancer. Since mammography is a medical procedure, the qualifications for a radiologic technologist include a combination of academics, practical training and accredited licensing.

Academic Requirements

A radiologic technologist requires academic theory and training before entering the workplace. The student can choose to complete a formal training program in radiology, which results in a certificate. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a certificate program can last anywhere from 21 months to 24 months depending on the details of the program. The student can also choose to get a bachelor's degree in radiology and continue with an associate degree. These formal education certifications and degree programs teach the student about human anatomy, physiology, physics, radiation, theoretical imaging, medical terminology and patient care.

Medical Licensing

Another qualification for a radiologic technologist is to obtain a legal medical license. The requirements for the medical licensing for radiologic technicians will differ from state to state. The medical license for radiologic technicians proves that the individual has obtained a specific level or standard of medical practices. This includes operating medical equipment and understanding the safety procedures associated with X-ray scanning and radiation.

National Certificate

Once the radiologic technician is fully educated and trained, he must obtain a certificate from an accredited registry or association, such as the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, also known as ARRT. The certificate is given to the student after graduating from an accredited and recognized institution, along with an examination in radiology. The radiological technician must stay active in the academics, as the technician must complete recertification every two years to keep an active ARRT certificate.

Medical Equipment

Although radiologic technologists will be trained during their academic training to use medical equipment, the technologists must keep up their training until they are comfortable with using various types of equipment. The radiologic technician may be responsible for completing the initial ultrasound to locate the breast lump before completing a mammogram. This means that the technician must be familiar with and comfortable using the medical equipment, while keeping the patient comfortable and calm.

Tags: radiologic technologist, radiologic technicians, technician must, ARRT certificate, from accredited