Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Choose Between Silicone And Saline Breast Implants

There are several important differences to consider when choosing between silicone and saline breast implants

The choice between silicone and saline breast implants is a difficult decision for many women, mostly because there is a lot of confusion about how safe silicone implants actually are. Everyone knows they have FDA approval, yet there are reports that they are unsafe. What are the differences between the implants? How do you make the right choice for appearance and health?


1. Understand how the two types of implants are placed in your breast. With saline implants, a doctor inserts a bag and fills it with saline until the desired size is reached for each breast, and then he seals the bag and your breast. With silicone, the implants are pre-filled and already sealed when the doctor inserts them. One advantage of saline is that they can be customized at any time simply by opening and closing the saline bag to allow more or less fluid. With silicone, the whole bag has to be replaced if you want a change.

2. You should also understand what is in the bags. Saline implants are filled with salt water. Your body already has plenty of salt and plenty of water in it, so if a saline bag leaks, little harm is done to the body. On the other hand, silicone bags are filled with silicone gel, something not found in the body. Leakage from these bags may cause connective tissue damage and some people purport they can increase your risk for cancer.

3. In the US there are age restrictions on who can get which type of implant. Saline is available to anyone 18 or older, but you have to be at least 22 for silicone. The reason for this restriction is that a woman's breasts are still growing during her 20s, and so adjustable implants are better.

4. Despite some of the risks of silicone implants, patients opt for them because the mimic real breast tissue better than saline implants. Saline implants can look and feel like water balloons and may even ripple. Some patients report that they can hear the salt water sloshing around. Saline implants also deflate rapidly when they spring a leak, while silicone will hold its shape longer if they should break. Silicone is advised for small breasted patients.

5. Silicone implants cost significantly more per breast than saline, although both implant options still cost thousands of dollars.

6. Whichever type of implant you choose, realize that they will need to be replaced eventually. Some women can keep them as long as ten years without needing a change, but most women will need to replace them much sooner. All bags will eventually leak and lose their shape. As you age and your real tissue sags, the implants will look bad, so don't think of them as permanent accessories.

Tags: that they, Saline implants, silicone implants, between silicone, breast implants, breast With, doctor inserts