Friday, September 3, 2010

Set Up A Girl Scout Vest

Help your daughter set up her Girl Scout vest.

Part of the Girl Scout tradition involves properly setting up the insignia on the vest. A Girl Scout wears her vest in honor, to display the ribbons and patches she has earned throughout her time as a scout. All scouts begin with some badges, like the council identification strip and troop numerals. The Girl Scout level determines where the different insignia are placed. Some insignia remain constant from Daisy scouts to the Cadette/Senior/Ambassador scouts.


1. Place the insignia tab on the upper front left corner of the vest. The tab represents the level of Girl Scout, such as Daisy, Brownie and Junior. Daisy tabs are yellow, Brownies are brown and Juniors are green.

2. Iron the troop numerals onto the top right portion of the Girl Scout vest. This location applies to all levels of Girl Scouts. The troop numerals identify which troop a girl belongs to.

3. Place the council identification strip above the troop numerals on the upper-right side of the vest. This strip includes the council name and the Official Girl Scouts of the USA identification strip.

4. Add the wavy American Flag patch onto the highest point of the right side of the vest. This is an optional patch.

5. Pin the Girl Scout cookie sale activity pin onto the vest. These pins are earned after completing the annual cookie sale activity. For Daisies, place the pin beneath the troop numerals on the vest. Cookie sale pins are placed on the left side of the Brownie vest. For Junior Girl Scouts, affix the pin below the signs on the vest. Cadette/Senior/Ambassador scouts place the pins on the left side of the vest above the interest project awards.

6. Check your Girl Scout level guidebook to see where to place special patches and pins. For instance, Junior Girl Scout badges are placed at the bottom of the vest, on either side, while the Brownie try-its insignia and the Daisy award patches are also placed at the bottom of the vest.

Tags: Girl Scout, troop numerals, Girl Scouts, identification strip, side vest, vest This